HEDGEROWS ~ Batik on Tissue, Paper and Fabric

Course Booking: HEDGEROWS ~ Batik on Tissue, Paper and Fabric

Course Description

The beautiful shapes and colours of the plants that form our hedgerows will be the inspiration to create batiks on tissue, paper and fabric using Jenny’s contemporary interpretation of a traditional technique. Working with hot wax and inks and traditional and non traditional tools you will be making to  make individual pieces of work. The contrasting shapes and forms found in our hedgerows - soft, angular, spiky, twisting….layering, overlapping, protecting - look through, under, over will provide inspiration for students.

 A number of samples will be produced over the two days suitable for adding to with stitch at a later date.

Please bring images for inspiration, an apron, hairdryer, Pritt type glue stick, scissors  and two pieces of white or light cotton fabric up to A3, these can be vintage or pre used.Some papers for collaging under the tissue ie book pages, also Khadi paper or handmade or watercolour paper as backing, I will have cartridge paper, inks, coloured tissue, wax etc. Details of requiremenst will be send out nearer to the course dates.


Jenny O'Leary

I am a textile artist and tutor based in Ellesmere, Shropshire.

My work is very much inspired by the landscape of Shropshire. I work predominately in batik (hot wax resist) in a contemporary way on tissue, paper and fabric, often combining it with machine and hand embroidery adding a drawn element to my work. I offer talks, courses and workshops in Shropshire and around the UK. I am a member of The Shropshire Guild of Contemporary Craft and The Batik Guild.

Course Tutor

Course Title

Course Date(s)

Cost of course




