Box making with a decorative lid

Course Booking: Box making with a decorative lid

Course Description

Box making can be used to showcase your patchwork, quilting and embroidery. They can be all kinds of shapes, sizes and types of lid, but we will be concentrating on a rectangular box with a hinged lid, incorporating some foundation pieced patchwork on the lid.

We will start on the first day with learning the technique of foundation piecing. You will then incorporate this into a design for your box lid.

We will then learn the technique of how to produce a fabric covered box.

Margaret McQuillen

I have been stitching for as long as I can remember.

After completing a City and Guild’s Diploma in both Patchwork and Quilting and in Embroidery, I went on to teach City and Guilds Patchwork and Quilting, all at Westhope College.

I have been a member of the Embroiderers’ Guild for over 25 years and am now the Chair of an Independent stitch group that was formerly an Embroiderers’ Guild Branch.

I have exhibited as a member of several mixed media groups and have also organised several textile shows in Staffordshire.

Recently I have been doing Ecclesiastical work, with my work currently in Cornwall, Wolverhampton and Staffordshire.

Course Tutor

Course Title

Course Date(s)

Cost of course




