Inspired by Mary Fedden

Inspired by Mary Fedden

Work by Ruth Kirkby Work by Ruth Kirkby
Work by Ruth Kirkby Work by Ruth Kirkby
Course Description

A course which examines the drawing and design inspirations, lines, marks, imagery and techniques used in the drawings and paintings of Mary Fedden. We will be examining these aspects of her work closely and then students will collect and draw from their own personalised imagery. Through a series of sketchbook exercises you will build up reference material to use in creating your own still life study.

Sessions are 'live' and will run from 2.30 (GMT) to approximately 4.30pm (GMT) on each of the course dates.

SESSION 1 ~ Introduction, setting the scene.
SESSION 2 ~ Looking at lines, marks, and imagery
SESSION 3 ~ Looking at pattern and landscape
SESSION 4 ~ Considering composition and working in tone
SESSION 5 ~ Use of colour


The overall aims are:
Bobby Britnell
Bobby has been running courses and workshops from her purpose built studio in South West Shropshire for over 12 years now. She brings in some of the countrys best tutors to deliver anything from 1 day to 4 day workshops, as well as teaching herself.
She has gained her drawing and painting experience under the guidance of the renowned South African artist Cecily Sash whose work she admires greatly and is fortunate to own several of her drawings and paintings. 
She has exhibited all over the world and is the author of 'Flowers' from the Stitched Textiles series of books. She is an active member of the Textile Study Group.
Course length:5 sessions
1:Thu27 Jun 2024
2:Thu4 Jul 2024
3:Thu11 Jul 2024
4:Thu18 Jul 2024
5:Thu25 Jul 2024
Cost: £150

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