MOOR ART 2 ~ Drawing and Painting

MOOR ART 2 ~ Drawing and Painting

By Bobby Britnell By Bobby Britnell
By Bobby Britnell By Bobby Britnell

These full day courses (10.00 - 4.00) have students looking at a number of different approaches to drawing and painting using a wide variety of media and working styles. We examine the work of master artists and learn from their working methods. Critique is an important part  and students are encouraged to analyse one anothers work in a non-threatening environment.

In the September Term will will be exploring the work of Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo. We will begin with some basic drawing using pencil and charcoal using some of the artefacts in and around the studio, which would lend themselves to this work.

We will consider how these drawings can be put into a composition once again referencing Tamayos use of backgrounds and also the wonderful textures that he gets in his paintings. He uses figures, strange and distorted and often presents these as pairs. Animal forms are also used. 

Next we will consider how these fully resoved drawings can have colour applied with either dry or wet colouring media.

Please contact me if you feel either Moor Art 1 or Moor Art 2 is a suitable course for you but wish to know more. 

Course length:6 sessions
1:Sat12 Feb 2022
2:Sun13 Feb 2022
3:Sat12 Mar 2022
4:Sun13 Mar 2022
5:Sat9 Apr 2022
6:Sun10 Apr 2022
Cost: £210 for 6 sessions

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